Andrew Collard is a writer and teacher.
Set in the metropolis centered on Detroit, MI, Andrew’s first book, Sprawl, won the Hollis Summers poetry prize and was published in March of 2023 by Ohio University Press. Poems from Sprawl have appeared in Ploughshares, AGNI, Best New Poets, and many more journals and magazines.
Andrew received a Ph.D. from Western Michigan University. Over the years, he has served as a poetry editor for Witness and Third Coast Magazine, and as an associate editor for New Issues Press.
He lives with his son in Grand Rapids, MI.
8/26/2024: My poem “Late Bulletin” is out in the new issue of Blackbird.
7/2/2024: Read an article about Sprawl and our OU reading in the Oakland University News.
6/26/2024: Sprawl won the Debut Poetry and Graphic Novel category at the Midwest Book Awards!
5/13/2024: Sprawl is a finalist for debut poetry at the Midwest Book Awards!
4/24/2024: Sprawl is a finalist for the Foreword INDIES award!
4/22/2024: I have a suite of five poems up over at Another Chicago Magazine.
4/8/2024: I have two poems up in the new issue of Diode.
4/5/2024: I had a great time reading at Oakland University, Winthrop University, and University of Olivet last month! An article on the Olivet reading is here.
3/11/2024: My poem “Loneliness in the Key of Sprawl” is out in the new Copper Nickel.
1/8/2024: Thanks to Verse Daily for a mini-review of Sprawl!
1/4/2024: My poem “Sub-pastoral” is up at Verse Daily.
12/4/2023: My poem “The Neighborhood Only Returns in Fragments” is out in the recent Southeast Review.
11/18/2023: My poem “Future Ruins” (from Sprawl) is up at Poetry Daily.
11/6/2023: I have a short interview up here!
10/9/2023: My poem “For the Pianist on Smoke Break Outside the Grand Rapids Ballet Company” is up over at The Los Angeles Review.
10/5/2023: I read some poems for Wednesday Night Sessions—the episode is up!
10/4/2023: I visited The Books We Loved podcast to talk things Made in Michigan!
10/2/2023: I have three poems out in the new Kenyon Review: “Lo-Fi Citadels,” “Aubade Where Things Are Pretty Good Actually,” and “Bus Stop Promenade.”
9/1/2023: I’ll be reading from Sprawl in Michigan, Oregon, and online this fall. Full details on the events page.
7/27/2023: My poem “Montage with Honda and Squall” is out in the new Cream City Review, issue 47.1.
7/16/2023: Come say hi at the Detroit Festival of Books!
7/10/2023: My poem “Incidental Portrait” is out in the new issue of North American Review, Vol 308, No 2.
5/3/2023: I got a chance to talk about Sprawl on Michigan Radio’s Stateside with April Baer! The full show is online here.
4/14/2023: Our reading at the Detroit Public Library (4/29) is listed among 11 Things to Do in Detroit in April 2023. Come say hey!
4/13/2023: My poem “Major Magic’s Animatronic Band” is out in a new anthology called The Book of Life After Death, published by Tolsun Books!
4/3/2023: I’ll be kicking off National Poetry Month with a series of readings in Michigan this week with Dennis Hinrichsen! More info on the events page.
3/28/2023: Today is officially pub day for Sprawl! It’s out everywhere books are sold, but especially from Ohio University Press.
3/13/2023: AWP was a blast! Up next, Las Vegas—I’ll be reading at the Beverly Theater on Saturday, 3/18.
3/4/2023: Sprawl is here! Find me at AWP in Seattle for two readings and book signings.
3/1/2023: Read an interview about Sprawl over at Cincinnati Review.
2/28/2023: My poem “Wartime, Rally’s Drive-In” is out in the new issue of Bennington Review.
2/7/2023: One month til Sprawl is released! The first batch of release events are posted here.
1/24/2023: My poem “Deep Cuts” is out in the new issue of The West Review.
12/19/2022: Sprawl is at the printer! Coming your way March 7, 2023.
12/01/2022: Cover reveal! Sprawl is available for pre-orders everywhere.
11/10/2022: Sprawl is coming! First round of proofs complete.
10/18/2022: My poems “Aubade with Mr. Coffee and Commute” and “Autotopia” are out in the new Waxwing.
8/18/2022: This year I’ll be joining the Writing Department at Grand Valley State University as a visiting professor!
6/28/2022: My poem “Disaster Grocery” is out in the new issue of Prairie Schooner.
5/26/2022: My poem “Monster Movie” is out in the new issue of Denver Quarterly.
2/17/2022: My book Sprawl won the Hollis Summers poetry prize, and will be published by Ohio University Press in 2023!
1/15/2022: “After News of a Border Shutdown, I Venture Out for Fries” and “Night Music” are out in the new TriQuarterly (Issue 161).
11/23/2021: My poem “Autotopia (Rochester Hills, MI)” is out in the new online issue of The Journal (45.1).
9/10/2021: I’ll be editing poetry for Third Coast in 2021-22. Submissions open September 15—send away!
8/31/2021: “Elegy for the Dymaxion Car” is out in the new Sonora Review, issue 77.
8/3/2021: “Carried” (originally in Ploughshares) has been reprinted in the anthology New Poetry from the Midwest.
7/15/2021: “Sub-pastoral” is out in the new issue of AGNI, issue 93.
7/1/2021: Special all-poetry issue of Witness, titled “Poet’s Playlist,” open for submissions!
6/1/2021: Two poems, “Gas & Food” and “Dear leasing office, dear oil slick,” are out in the new issue of Cincinnati Review, issue 18.1.
5/11/2021: New issue of Witness, Spring 2021 (“As Seen on TV”) released. Get it here.
2/3/2021: “Autotopia (Macomb County, MI)” is out in the new Florida Review, Volume 44, Number 2.
1/01/2021: I’ll be guest editing poetry for Witness in 2021—send us your best!
12/17/2020: “Badlands Flashback” is out in Best New Poets 2020.
12/2/2020: “Diorama” and “Future Ruins” are nominated for the Pushcart Prize by Salamander and Witness, respectively.