Publications (Selected)


AGNI: “Sub-Pastoral”

American Literary Review: “Pax Americana”

Baltimore Review: “Portrait with Elegy and Iodine”

Bennington Review: “Wartime, Rally’s Drive-In”

Best New Poets 2020: “Badlands Flashback”

Booth: “The First Place”

Cimarron Review: “Logic of the Dead”

Cincinnati Review: “Gas & Food” and “Dear leasing office, dear oil slick”

Columbia Poetry Review: “The Man My Parents Hoped to Raise” and “Mesa Verde”

Copper Nickel: “Loneliness in the Key of Sprawl” (forthcoming)

Crab Orchard Review: “Car Crash in Reverse”

Crazyhorse: “Stuck Song Syndrome”

Cream City Review: “Montage with Honda and Squall”

Day One (Amazon): “To the Dying Bees”

Denver Quarterly: “Monster Movie”

Diode: “U.S. 40, Colorado” and “To My Son Henry, Asleep in the Next Room”

Dunes Review: “The Nest”

Florida Review: “Autotopia (Macomb County, MI)”

Hilltop Review: “How to Be Held”

The Journal: “Autotopia (Rochester Hills, MI)”

Juxtaprose: “Night Cycle”

Kenyon Review: “Aubade Where Things Are Pretty Good Actually,” “Bus Stop Promenade,” “Lo-Fi Citadels”

Life After Death (anthology, Tolsun Books): “Major Magic’s Animatronic Band”

Los Angeles Review: For the Pianist on Smoke Break Outside the Grand Rapids Ballet Company”

Louisville Review: “Kid Myths” and “Notes Toward a New Language”

Mid-American Review: “Silent Tires”

Midwestern Gothic: “Between Bodies”

Nashville Review: Church can be a word for anywhere”

New Poetry from the Midwest 2019: “Carried” (reprint)

Normal School: “Telway Lament”

North American Review: “Incidental Portrait”

The Offing: “The Waiting Room”

Pinwheel: “Elegy with an Unraveling Cassette”

Ploughshares: “Carried”

Poetry Daily: “Future Ruins” (reprint, forthcoming)

Posit: “A Well-Trimmed Field” and “The Church of Autumn”

Prairie Schooner: “Disaster Grocery”

Prelude: “Man Matching Description” and “At the Checkout of Val’s Pet Supply”

Rattle: “For an Infant Doused in Gasoline”

RHINO: “On the Demolition of Produce Kingdom”

Rust & Moth: “Bees, Dirt Road”

Salamander: “Diorama”

Sixth Finch: “Quizzo Night at The Red Ox”

Sonora Review: “Elegy for the Dymaxion Car”

Southeast Review: “The Neighborhood Only Returns in Fragments” (forthcoming)

Stirring: “Elegy with a Red Wagon”

Tahoma Literary Review: “Listen”

Third Coast: “Key Motor Mall”

Thrush: “Cicada Song”

Tishman Review: “Vital Organs”

TriQuarterly: “Night Music” and “After News of a Border Shutdown, I Venture Out for Fries”

Vinyl Poetry: “Trace”

Virginia Quarterly Review: “Perpetual Motion” (forthcoming)

Waxwing: “Aubade with Mr. Coffee and Commute” and “Autotopia (Detroit, MI)”

Washington Square Review: “Unpunctuated Days”

The West Review: “Deep Cuts”

Whiskey Island: “Second-Hand”

Witness: “Future Ruins” (Winner of Witness Poetry Award)

Zone 3: “High Water”